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Step-By-Step Valentines Day Decoration (Love Heart Chain)

I was flicking through pintrest the other day and found that it was filled with loads of great valentines day gift/décor ideas and they all looked SO lovely! this was one of the décor ideas I came across so it was by no means my own creation, I wish it was thought.. but its not:(. Unfortunately I forgot to pin it so I don't have a clue who to thank for this easy peasy, super cute 'Love Heart Chain' so I though I would recreate and share with you, enjoy!
Coloured card of your choice, at least two sheets even if it's the same colour
A stapler (You could also use glue If you have more time than I did)
A ruler
Some Scissors
A pencil
And That's it! Standard household items, How cool is that?!
Take one piece of paper and place it landscape. With your pencil and ruler make a mark ever 2cm.
Once you have marked out each 2cm space place your paper portrait and use the marks as a guide to draw lines downwards, do this for all the little marks you made and then takes your scissors and cut out all the little strips.
TIP - instead of doing this for all the paper you have, take them all and place them one behind the other with your stencil on top, that way you're cutting them all at the same time but in half the time, GENIOUS!
Take 3 strips of paper and staple them together, the middle strip of paper will be the piece that you will use to hang up your decoration, example:- the white piece in my picture will be used to hang the bunton up and the red strips will form the heart.
Take the two end strips of paper and fold them back on themselves, bringing them together in a heart shape (see 1st picture) and staple it in place, add another strip to each side at the bottom of the heart, again staple in place (it should then look like picture no.3) and repeat until you reach your desired length, once your think you're finished, instead of adding two strips just add one so it's ended the way you started.
AND that's it! that's your homemade 'Love Heart Chain'. They look absolutely adorable and from a personal point of view they are not just for valentines day!
Let me know what you think in the comments, also have you made any gifts/décor recently? I would love to see them!



  1. Aww such a cute DIY and so easy to make! I see ur a beginner, good luck in your blogging journey! Thank you for sharing this with us darling. Visit me www.its-dominica.blogspot.co.uk whenever you can. Kisses, Dominica S. xXx

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Dominica! And for my first ever comment lol. I took some time to check out your blog and it's very inspirational, you've done amazing and it looks beautiful...well done xx


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