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Review: My Current Fave Tv Shows

Ok so I know I have described these TV shows as my top 3 but if I am being honest I would have to say that if some one where to ask me to put them in order of my favourite to least favourite I simply wouldn't be able to decide.. They're all just too good!
These 3 programmes come under the category of being 'Teen Dramas' but personally I don't agree, I think they should be named 'All Age Dramas' because from the moment these shows launched the audience age varied, I'm almost 22 years old but I have spoke to people older and younger that have said they also love them and to be honest I don't see how you cant? they're too freekin amazing!

So without further ado, and in alphabetical order (because like I said I can't decide an order lol) lets get on with these little reviews then shall we?
Lets begin with 'Gossip Girl'...well well well if you like drama plus class this programme's for you! It is set in New York's upper east side and follows the lives of both upper and middle class teens, giving you an insight to what it would be like living the life of luxury, with classy cars, shofars, glamorous fashion and all things only most of us could only dream about!
Their everyday lives are taken over by a mysterious online blogger a.k.a Gossip Girl, who reviles all their deepest darkest secrets. Personally after the very first episode I was hooked! I really love the fact that throughout this programme there is always a situation that most teens will at one point or another go through such as bulling, sex, drugs, family issues, partying, eating disorders, the list is endless.
Another reason I'm so in love with this programme is that it never gets boaring, NEVER. There are always twists and turns, as soon as you think you can guess what's going to happen next.. you're wrong and left wondering 'what the hell? no way!' the cliff hangers in this show are unbearable and leave you not wanting but NEEDING to watch the next episode!
Next on my list as you may have already guessed is Pretty Little Liars. This programme is by far the best game of cludo you will ever play! following the lives of four teenage girls that drift apart after the disappearance of  their fifth friend Alison but are soon brought together again by an unknown figure contacting them through text message signed -A, threatening to expose all the girls' secrets, secrets they thought only Alison knew about giving them new hope that their friend may well be alive and well. However as the episodes go on you begin to realise that things are turning nasty for the girls and the -A messages may not be from Alison but an anonymous source that knows a little too much about their lives than they though possible. The thing I love most about PLL is that you're always left with questions at the end of EVERY episode, why did they do that?, how did -A know that?, I wonder if it could be him or maybe her?....Ahh too many unanswered questions you just need to know.
This programme is so thrilling, mysterious and god damn addictive that I found it was all I could think about, I know it's sad but it's also very true! after a while I found myself just watching at the weekend so I could binge watch for hours on end!
 And last but not least The Vampire Diaries, this fictional vampire programme is nothing like I have ever seen before! A vampire (who ages but doesn't look any different) returns to his home town only to find himself falling in love with a human who resembles his old true love. While trying to get to know the high school girl better, things go from bad to worse when his brother shows up in town, the same brother who had promised him a lifetime of misery (which is a LONG time if you're a vampire lol). With one brother depriving himself of human blood for centuries and the other a blood thirsty bad boy makes for some nail biting entertainment! throughout there are so many unexpected twists you find yourself in a love/hate relationship with all the characters.
Normally I'm not a fan of vampire things, I don't think I've ever even watched buffy the whole way through but this was suggested to me and I will be forever grateful because the story line is just amazing and is forever changing and keeping your attention. It's not one of these fictional programmes that are overlay exaggerated and non believable, its actually quite the opposite and all in all a fantastic must see!
So just to sum up...All 3 of these programmes are just absolutely amazing and if your looking for something that will have you hooked and wanting more, to watch with friends or just for binge watching I would highly recommend any of them, I guarantee you they will fast become your guilty pleasure!
 Have any of you guys already watch one (or more) of these programmes? if so let me know which ones and why you love them too, I would love to know!
(P.S please don't leave spoilers lol:p thanksssss)


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